Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tee hee!

From Scott: " Bicycle god hates [Monica], but Pole Monster has her number."

I understand that she's looked at MANY bikes recently, including a single-speed one which I privately (now PUBLICLY) hope she gets. (^_^)

The last couple of rides I've been on have been quite good. Good to the point of having mini-epiphanies about how much fun it is to ride. Ahh... Tuesday night we went to Madison Park Beach 'cos it was just too hot and sticky to ride a lot. That said, I ended up riding what felt like a lot, probably because it was mainly uphill. But it was good! It was cooler by the water and I was energetic enough to take the hills with a minimum of being irritated with myself for being out of shape.

It was funny that the ride out of Madison Park separated into two distinct groups: The Geared Group and The Fixed-Gear Group. I ended up leading the Fixed-Gear Group - who didn't feel like trying to ride up the steepest part of Madison - through the stretch of the Lake Washington Loop Route which bypasses the Arboretum (particularly Lake Washington Blvd., which is quite narrow [only two lanes, one in each direction, and no shoulder to speak of] and almost always high in traffic) over to MOHAI and then quite easily to the U District and the College Inn Pub where everybody was meeting up post-beach.

Not being a drinker, I opted to not hang around and instead rode with Ray over to Eastlake where I learned some sad news: Thursday, 7th August is Ray's LAST RIDE with Point83. He's moving back to PA to be closer to his family. Uncool, Ray. Uncool. There were a lot of rides you were supposed to go on with us (both .83 and Slow Sunday). Whatever, man.

Suffice it to say that we'll miss having you around. Best of luck in PA, Ray.

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