The last couple of rides I've been on have been quite good. Good to the point of having mini-epiphanies about how much fun it is to ride. Ahh... Tuesday night we went to Madison Park Beach 'cos it was just too hot and sticky to ride a lot. That said, I ended up riding what felt like a lot, probably because it was mainly uphill. But it was good! It was cooler by the water and I was energetic enough to take the hills with a minimum of being irritated with myself for being out of shape.
It was funny that the ride out of Madison Park separated into two distinct groups: The Geared Group and The Fixed-Gear Group. I ended up leading the Fixed-Gear Group - who didn't feel like trying to ride up the steepest part of Madison - through the stretch of the Lake Washington Loop Route which bypasses the Arboretum (particularly Lake Washington Blvd., which is quite narrow [only two lanes, one in each direction, and no shoulder to speak of] and almost always high in traffic) over to MOHAI and then quite easily to the U District and the College Inn Pub where everybody was meeting up post-beach.
Not being a drinker, I opted to not hang around and instead rode with Ray over to Eastlake where I learned some sad news: Thursday, 7th August is Ray's LAST RIDE with Point83. He's moving back to PA to be closer to his family. Uncool, Ray. Uncool. There were a lot of rides you were supposed to go on with us (both .83 and Slow Sunday). Whatever, man.

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