I'm sure the 2nd annual Cupcake Ride would have been great if it had held together AT ALL. Also, it was amazingly hot, which bodes ill for strenuous riding (for me, anyway).
The crowd assembled at Westlake Square was nice enough, but also impatient. Scott was leaving later than intended and while I was getting an update on his whereabouts the group took off. "See ya!" was the extent of the parting.
As Scott didn't know the address of the Cupcake Royale in West Seattle, I waited for him. When he turned up, we took off and began the adventure in mild heat-stroke. At the Eastern foot of the low bridge to W Seattle, we ran into Teresa who told the following tale:
From the get-go, the group started falling apart. A group of riders in front decided that they'd rather go fast and bolted ahead. Not everybody was able to keep up and people started ditching (which sucks) right away. A girl who was trying to keep up with the fast kids had a mechanical and was dropped from the fast pack. Teresa stopped to help her and the remainder of the ride dropped both of them. The girl with the mechanical went home. Teresa pressed onward to the Western foot of the low bridge to tell Malora that she, herself, was going home. Malora told her that she was going to wait for Scott and myself.
After hearing her tale, I figured we would finally catch up the ride. Scott had gone ahead while I was talking to Teresa, so when I arrived at the Western foot of the bridge I was surprised to see no one there. I figured that - given the heat - they would surely take the long, gradual way up to Cupcake Royale (which was incorrect), so I made for Avalon to then head out to Alki Point. On the way there Scott rang me and said that he was waiting in a parking lot just around the corner of Avalon. When I arrived, we were both bright red and miserable. I said, "I can feel my heart beating in my armpits!" To which Scott replied, "Oh good, then it's not just me." We doused ourselves in water and rested in the shade of a nearby tree while discussing whether to try and catch the ride.
When we decided to head for food in Georgetown, we ran into Kevin. He too had been dropped, but was waiting for the ride to pass by the low bridge again (as they must, unless they take the VERY long way around through White Center and South Park). After a bit of phone tag with Malora, it was decided to bail. Kevin headed to Madison Beach, Scott and I to Georgetown and then Magnusson Park.
When it became apparent that there wasn't nearly enough time to both places, we opted instead to eat at Uwajimaya. The air conditioning was too comfy for us, we tarried longer than anticipated. Quite apart from that, I had a major energy drop-off on the way and was quite pale, according to Scott.
Thank goodness for the #73 bus!
From the U District it was quite an easy ride to Magnusson Park and although we arrived late, there was still plenty of roller-derby to witness (and I would like to witness more in the future!).
Ugh. It was a long, hot day, but the evening was cool and pleasant. Scott, Aden and myself all rode to the Eastlake Zoo and from there I went home.
I had more kvetching to do in this post, but nobody wants to read all that indignant shit.
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