Firstly, Jen is awesome. I just wanted to get that out of the way.
She's off to Hawai'i for a week to help her dad celebrate his recent retirement from 36 years working for Delta Airlines. Why didn't I go too? I have no job and am ashamed to face him (only partly kidding).

Also: When Jen flies stand-by on her dad's pass, she's S1 or S2 (from years and years of flying stand-by on her dad's pass [read: seniority]); however, when I also fly on her dad's pass, I drag us down to something like S30 (again, only partly kidding). So this way she actually gets to go and possibly gets into first class! Hooray for...first class(?).
Secondly, I got new, blue stuff for the Brinks Bike: (1)Blue dice valve-stem caps (with sparkles in!), (2) blue, reflective stars for covering up the ugly joint/seam in my electric blue deep v's, (3) blue, anodized seat-post clamp and (4) blue, anodized Chris King headset. Wee ha ha! I'm such a dork. Still waiting for you job leads (or money), by the way.

I've pretty much decided on trying Panaracer T-Serv tires for the Brinks Bike. I have not, however, decided on straight black or their pretty, blue ones...could be too much blue...
Oh, and Greg informs me that you can now get blue, anodized brakes! Not just the brake-hoods, but the brake mechanisms themselves. Still another opportunity for too much blue!
On that topic, I've been considering my options for crank-sets. I was thinking I would go with Campagnolo Record track cranks again ('cos I'm a high-roller [see blue dice valve-stem caps]), but now I'm considering the blue, anodized Sugino "Messenger" cranks (which I'm told are the Sugino 75 cranks with pretty colors and a trendy-sounding name). At least the Sugino crank sets use a square taper like the Campy ones, so it would be easy enough to change it out later on if the Suginos don't work out.
One thing I'm damn certain of is that I will NOT - in spite of its prettiness - be using a blue KMC 1/8th inch chain (I wore out the pink one in record time). I'm considering an over-beefy Wipperman chain, 'cos it's over-beefy and sounds a bit like a buzz-saw when you're going fast. Plus, it's named "Wipperman", which just sounds awesome; like you're gonna take it off and lash unruly motorists and/or shrubs (or whatever) at the drop of a hat. J, you should look into getting such a chain.
What else... The job search is thus far laughable. The only response I've received is one for a work-from-home shipping and receiving job. Yes, you read that correctly:
work-from-home shipping and receiving. Sounds dodgey to me, too. They want to make sure you're qualified to operate a fork-lift as well. Where, in my apartment? Weird.
I've recently been to Colorado to visit. It was the first time in several years that Eric, Genevieve, Cinda and myself have all been in the same place at the same time (photos eventually). Eric and I went to the Shambhala Mountain Center one day and that was great, but mostly it was just hanging around, catching up with each other and getting reacquainted with my niece, Cameron. Jen came along as well, but had to leave early for work and Ultimate. They have food in Colorado. I ate some. We got to see Jim & Diane and their son, Ethan as well.

It was a great visit. Everybody said they'll come to Seattle for the next visit.
Lastly, Jen has great legs.