Yes, it's been bleedin' ages since I've posted anything here.
What's happened in that time? Stuff, really. Wedding stuff. Work stuff. Some bike stuff. Thing stuff.
This is our wedding info site.
I'm back at the warehouse after six months of trial house-husbandry. But this time it's all about putting the warehouse to bed. All (or most) of the stock is going to Johns Hopkins University for distribution. So I've been "throwing freight", gathering cartons, stacking cartons, wrapping pallets of cartons and then banding said pallets. FUN. At least I'm getting a work-out. I call this position "Assistant Grave-Digger".
Bike stuff: my IRO frame finally showed up. The blue I chose for color online turns out to be teal in real life. So I'm going to get it powder-coated a deep, metallic blue (to match the "electric blue" Velocity Deep-V rims I want). It'll be pretty.
I might also like to get my Redline powder-coated. I was thinking about a bright, metallic, bubble-gum pink. You see, I've finally decided on a name for it, "Stormy Pinkness". I borrowed that title from a They Might Be Giants song of the same name. Anyway, if I could, I might like to get my Velocity Dyad rims anodized a metallic pink as well (or instead). Pretty pretty!
What else is happening...
I'm trying to get my sitting practice back in motion. So far I've managed to unearth my shrine/altar and begin regular offerings again. Re-arranging the bedroom helped a lot with that. So I'm getting back in the mind-set at least, now I just have to get back on the zafu and SIT.
I've been having an interesting time thinking about setting up a Butsudan at Jen's dad's house in Kaneohe. It's easier for me to sit if the trappings of practice are present (a crutch[?] I will eventually have to do away with, maybe). Shirokiya at Ala Moana has a selection of Butsudan and shrine accessories, but their most inexpensive model is still $300-ish. I may settle for a nice bit of Butsuzo like my home shrine/altar. But where to find it in Hawaii? Online is an option I'm considering. I'm also considering what kind of cushion to take and probably leave at Jen's dad's house (Jen's dad is hereafter "Paul", cos that's his name). Shopping for religious stuff seems so weird to me.
I prattle on.